Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Sorry we haven't been around in a while.... our puter is in the basement and it's hard for mommy to walk up and down the stairs...since she has gotten so big!! She says our baby bean will be here in only a few weeks and Jagger and I can't wait!! Here is a picture of Mommy taken this week in the baby bean's room!

Everything is going pretty good here....the new house is great! So many places to play and hide and so many windows to look out of! Unfortunately not much to look at outside since it has been so warm here in CT and we haven't gotten any snow! (Well that's what mommy and daddy says...though I am not really sure what they are talking about!?!)

We'll let you all know when our baby bean is here... and hopefully we'll be able to post more pictures and going ons!!!

Everyone have a great New Year!!